
Learn to customize your personal AI experience.

Customize your personal AI experience by clicking on your name on the top left of your interface. Then press "Settings."

Account Settings

You can edit your name and your profile picture. You can also copy your API key to use the public memory API (to upload data programmatically).

AI Addresses

You can see all your AI domains. You have 1 default AI domain and you can add 1 custom AI domain. The custom AI domain can be removed and re-added (based on availability). The default one cannot be changed.


πŸ“˜Limited Feature - Personal.ai Team Members Only

At the moment, this feature only allows you to invite Personal.ai team members to assist you in building your personal AI. In the future, you will be able to invite anyone to collaborate with you.

You can invite people to gain access to your personal AI. They will have the same access as you (read & write). Your collaborators must have their own Personal.ai account to gain access.


In Billing, you can:

  • Add, modify, and remove your payment methods. (You cannot remove your default payment method if you have an active subscription.)

  • Read the subscription tier features.

  • Manage your subscription.

  • Change subscription tier.


With our subscription plans, you pay at the end of your monthly cycle. If you cancel, you will keep your access until the end of your monthly cycle and you will be invoiced, but your subscription will not automatically renew.

To remove your credit card from your account, you must be on a free subscription plan. Even if you already cancelled a paid plan, you must wait until your next monthly cycle (where you are no longer on a paid plan) to remove your credit card.

Last updated