πŸ”ŽPersonal Scores

Personal Score Thresholds Explained.

If your personal AI is asked a question on a topic you have not uploaded data on, you will receive a concise general AI response (ChatGPT) if your personal score threshold is low.


A personal score, shown as a percentage, represents the accuracy and authenticity of a message created by your personal AI based on your available information


Accuracy tooltip

How much the Message is based on factors from your input (e.g., meeting info, quotes in Memory Blocks).

Relevance tooltip

How much the message is related or similar to the input prompt.

Fluency tooltip

How fluent the response is grammatically.

Why does a personal score matter?

Personal scores allow you to understand what your AI is learning and when your personal data (from your memory stack) is being used. As you upload and sync data for your use cases, prompting your AI and checking the personal scores is an excellent method to understand which topics your AI is yet to learn. From there, you can upload more data on topics with a low personal score or use methods such as in-line editing.

What if I only want to share and prompt my personal knowledge?

You can modify controls for sharing (DMs and lounges) and choose personal score threshold (ex: only send responses in this direct message with a 60% personal score). Therefore you can be confident in your answers and only share AI responses with a high personal score externally.

Furthermore, you can modify the personal score threshold in the message bar when messaging your personal AI.

Last updated