
Learn how to collaborate with your personal AI to write new documents.

With the personal AI editor, you can write Tweets, blog posts, marketing materials, and summaries. Begin writing and when you need inspiration, insert what your personal AI suggests. The more you teach your personal AI, the closer its response will reflect yours, both in style and in content.

New Document

To access the personal AI editor, click on the notepad icon in the bottom-left corner of the messaging box.


Using rephrase, your personal AI rewrites your text while remaining faithful to its meaning. This improves readability and helps eliminate:

  • Repeated words;

  • Filler words;

  • Long disjoint sentences;

  • Incorrect syntax;

  • Etc.

Select the section of the text you want to rephrase and click on the paper and pen icon.

Note that rephrases, unlike suggestions, are not trained on your memory stack. This means the new sentences may convey similar meaning to the original ones, but their accuracy, style, and relevance might not be as personal.

Fix Grammar

You can verify the spelling and grammar of what your personal AI and you wrote in your document.

Select the section of the text you want to check and click on the check mark icon.

The process may take up to a minute depending on the size of the selected text.

Personal AI Suggestion

At any time (using writing or auto suggesting mode), you can display a suggestion from your personal AI.

Select the section of the text you want a suggestion about and click on the magic pencil icon or use Cmd/Ctrl-J.

The manual personal AI suggestion may differ from the automatic one depending on the text you select.

General AI Suggestion

At any time, you can display a general suggestion from OpenAI's GPT-3, a public AI model (that is not trained on your memory stack).

Select the section of the text you want a suggestion about and click on the globe or use Cmd/Ctrl-U.

Since the suggestion is not from your personal AI (it comes from a general AI model), it does not have a personal AI score.

Generate Images

With the personal AI editor, you can now try DALL-E, an AI image generator, that creates unique new images based on piece texts. Describe the image in details, including what's in it, its style, its coloring, its details, and anything that might influence the outcome and see what it generates.

To generate images using your personal AI, open the personal AI editor by clicking on the notepad icon in the bottom-left corner of the messaging box.

In the personal AI editor, type a description for the image, adding as many details as you want. These can include both content and style. The more detail you give, the more the AI will try to blend all the inputs together into 1 image.

Select the text and click on the image icon to generate an image.

Once the image is generated, click on "Copy URL" to grab the image from the web and paste it into the AI editor.

Pasting the URL will load the image into your AI editor.

Save to Stack

To preserve your image and text, save your document to your memory stack by clicking on the upload icon in the bottom-right corner, otherwise you might lose your unique image.

Last updated