πŸ“šAI Training Journey

How to navigate through a training template.

Step 1: Once you create an AI, you land on a page where you can create an AI using a template or start from scratch. A template will give you more guidance on what to upload given the purpose of your AI, while starting from scratch has less direction and is more focused on upload methods.

Step 2: You will proceed to the AI identity screen once you choose your desired path.

  • For your AI photo, you can either pick a photo from your files, generate a photo using AI, or keep the default image.

  • For the identity, think about how you want your AI to respond. Here is a breakdown of each option and how your AI will respond depending on the identity option you pick.


My Personal AI

An Avatar

A Brand or Business

  • For your AI name, pick the name you desire based on your purpose with your AI.

  • For traits/communication style, pick up to 3 traits/styles each. This gives your AI an understanding of how it should respond and act.

Step 3: Pick the different memory types that you want to train your AI on. The subtext will explain the different memory types and the purpose around them (you can always return to this step and modify the memory types).

Step 4: Begin by adding files, URLs, completing questionnaires, and entering text into notes either by pasting or writing.

Each memory type will have different upload options based on the nature of the memory type (what is the most common method of upload given the memory type). For example, as you can see below, image 1 has file and note upload options, while in image 2, "About Me" has a questionnaire option, and in image 3, you can upload a URL. Pick the "other" memory type if you wish to have all upload options in one place.

Simply enter in a public URL and you can train your AI on the text within the given URL. It will only upload the information on the given URL, not the entire website. Add a title so you can easily find it in the future in documents. Add custom hashtags if desired. Hashtags are topics that you want to connect to the given upload. For example, if you're dealing with a book, you might include hashtags like [Book Title] or [Chapter X] to provide context to your AI about the data. This aids in enhancing the AI's comprehension of the content. After inputting hashtags, stack by clicking the purple button on the bottom right of the document.

Upload Local File

Upload docx, txt, md, and pdf files. The maximum file size will depend on your payment tier. Learn more here - https://www.personal.ai/pricing. If your file exceeds the limit, consider breaking it up.

Upload New Note

Uploading via note is a great way to quickly paste text from your Apple notes or current note-taking tools. Or, if you want to train your AI on something that is not in writing, use the note feature to write this text for your AI to train on.


Questionnaires are only available for certain memory types, and you will know it is available when you see the option after pressing the (+) icon. Questionnaires are exactly what they sound like! Think about them as your AI giving you a quiz on a certain topic. Make sure to be specific and contextualize your responses (Ex: My favorite food is Sushi, NOT I love Sushi). You can press complete at any time to save your responses. In the future, you can always redo, delete, or edit your responses. Press skip to move onto the next question.

Step 5: Train

Once you are done adding your uploads, press "next." From here, press train when you are ready! Training can take some time. From here, press next. Training will continue.

Step 6: AI Settings

In settings, you can set up your AIs profile, preferences, and link.

  • For privacy, you can choose private, shared, or public. Private means your AI cannot be requested through your AIs brand page (similar to when you make a google/word document private). Shared means that people must request to chat with your AI. Public means anyone can chat with your AI when they go to your brand page. In short, your brand page is where your AI is hosted. If you only want to use this AI for yourself, then choose private mode. If you want to share it with a few people, choose shared. If you are looking to share your AI with your community, choose public. You can always modify this later.

  • Here is an example of Suman, the CEOs, brand page. His AI is set at public - https://s.personal.ai/messaging/profile

  • AI description is your AI's bio. This shows up on your brand page.

  • A brand page link is the link where your AI lives.

Step 7: Now wait!

Your AI is now training! You will see a loader in the top right of your screen when you have the AI you are training selected. When it is done, you will get another notification.

You can also navigate to your memory stack to watch the data pour into your AIs knowledge bank!

To get back to the training journey to make changes, simply click on the gear icon next to the AI.

Last updated